Daycare centre

The local daycare centre opened its doors in 2008. Today the kindergarten numbers 72 children split into four rooms determined by age. The costs are as follows:

Child under the age of 3. 1.945 dkk per month.

Child over the age of 3 – until first grade – 1.550 dkk. per month for 11 months of the year.

Below, you will find an application and cancelation form for Korndalsgarður. You can also apply for, and cancel daycare online by following this link.

There is also a recreation centre for children that have started primary school available at kr. 990 per month. The centre is called Spírin and can be reached at tlf. 740414.

For further information, click here to read a leaflet about Korndalsgarður in English.


Annual report

The annual report for Korndalsgarður for 2022/23 is available in English